Services Offered

Available services include but are not limited to:

  • Applying and interpreting machine learning techniques in order to solve difficult, real world problems

  • Designing qualitative and quantitative research projects from start to finish

  • Developing and employing advanced statistical models, tests, and strategies

  • Analyzing large, longitudinal data of any type

  • Assisting on experimental and survey research projects

  • Creating static and dynamic visualizations (from bar plots to time series analyses to geospatial maps to network graphs and more)

  • Coding automatic and complex web-based applications


Creating academic research.

Grounded by a background in collegiate research assisting and well as a Master’s concentration in experiments, Miriam continues to lead on research projects at the professional level. The draft of a lengthy technical memo she recently authored regarding voter contact data systems has the full support of her team and partners.

Conducting advanced analysis.

In early 2021, Miriam worked with a national organization to implement an innovative text and sentiment analysis on volunteer data in order to learn and update internal processes around engagement. She has since led internal meetings to discuss the techniques and code, findings, and future work, taught the methods in a series of coding workshops, spoken on the results in a Fall 2021 virtual conference, and more. This is just one example of an analytics project she has designed.

Developing a professional cohort.

Miriam leads and works intimately with a cohort of data leaders, managers and directors at power-building, racial justice-centric organizations around the United States to bolster new skills and encourage intra-group learning.